We are a group of concerned citizens tackling the current issue of overdevelopment. The current state of overdevelopment is destroying our rural lands for future generations to come. Jasper County has seen an increase in population over the past several years. Much of the county is still family farms, native forests, historic battlefields, and miles of uninterrupted scenic river corridors. But all are in the eyes of developers since Beaufort County and Hardeeville have exploded with development.
The group was originally established in March of 2022 after the Jasper County Planning Commission moved forward with a recommendation to the County Council to approve a Planned Development District for Chelsea South. Chelsea South was carved out of the Chelsea Plantation property. The Chelsea South property is approximately 291 acres located on Snake Road and near the intersection of Route 170. While the property is currently zone Rural Preservation the proposed development is seeking to construct 438 homes, 597 apartment units, and 11,000 square feet of commercial space. Nearby Beaufort County residents became aware of the proposed overdevelopment and rallied area neighborhoods in both Beaufort and Jasper County to join the cause by going door to door with flyers informing others of the overdevelopment. A Facebook page, Chelsea South Concerned Citizens Group, was established to keep residents and others informed. Along the way, the group gained tremendous support and guidance from the Open Land Trust and the Coastal Conservation League. In July 2022, another proposed development involving the Chelsea Plantation property was in discussions regarding development.
In September 2022 an Annexation Petition was presented to the Town of Ridgeland Planning Commission, by a local developer. With favorable approval from the Commission, the Town Council held public hearings in October. The developer’s vision was to transform approximately 1,500 acres of the Chelsea Plantation, from Bolan Hall Landing to Old House, into a sprawl consisting of 4.800 residential units, 75 docks along the pristine Euhaw Creek and 580,000 square feet of commercial space along Route 462.
With more proposed development, neighbors in both areas joined forces and renamed the original group to Keep Chelsea Rural. We advocate for the responsible development of this precious, culturally rich, and historic property.
The Keep Chelsea Rural group has become a community partner with the Broad River Task Force. We will be providing more information on the Broad River Task Force shortly.